Why Mother's Day is celebrated on May 30 in Nicaragua

Why Mother's Day is celebrated on May 30 in Nicaragua

Every May 30th, Mothers' Day is celebrated in Nicaragua ; a special date that aims to pay tribute and celebrate the most important being that a human being can have in life.

Nicaragua is one of the few countries that celebrates Mother's Day on May 30 , since most Latin American countries such as Colombia, Peru or Venezuela, as well as the United States celebrate this anniversary on the second Sunday of May. This celebration originated more than 70 years ago, do you want to know more? Keep reading.

Mothers Day in Nicaragua

Mother's Day in Nicaragua is celebrated on May 30 by resolution of General Anastasio Somoza, who was in charge of the country in 1940. On May 29 of that year, through Decree 69 published in the Official Gazette, Somoza established that each May 30 would be celebrated on Nicaraguan Mothers' Day.

There are different explanations of why Mother's Day is celebrated on this date, however the most popular one says that the establishment of this day was a gesture that President Somoza had towards his mother-in-law who had a birthday on this day.

Now, regardless of its origins, Mother's Day is a special date to honor this mother figure who is or was present in our lives; be it our own mother or women with an important role like grandmothers or aunts.


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