What is celebrated in the month of August in Nicaragua: Calendar 2021

What is celebrated in the month of August in Nicaragua: Calendar 2021

Here is the 2021 calendar with all the special dates, holidays and events of the month of August in Nicaragua.

2021 August Calendar in Nicaragua

Sunday 1: World Day of Joy.

Tuesday 3: International Family Planning Day

Friday 6: International Beer Day.

Sunday 8: International Day of Female Orgasm. Completion of the Olympics Tokyo 2020ñ

Monday 9: International Day of Indigenous Populations.

Tuesday 10: World Lion Day.

Wednesday 11: World Nutritionist Day.

Thursday 12: International Youth Day.

Sunday 15: World Relaxation Day.

Tuesday 17: World Pedestrian Day.

Wednesday 18: National Day of Occupational Hygiene and Safety; National Day of the Pediatrician and National Day of the Veterinarian.

Thursday 19: World Photography Day. On August 19, Nicaragua also celebrates World Humanitarian Assistance Day.

Saturday 21: International Day of Commemoration and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism.

Monday 23: National Literacy Crusade Day and International Hashtag Day.

Wednesday 24: National Day of People with Different Abilities.

Sunday 29: World Video Game Day.

Monday 30: International Day of the Disappeared and International Day of the Whale Shark.

Tuesday 31: International Day of Solidarity and International Day of Afro-descendants.

From Tuesday, August 17 to Friday, August 22, the Week of the Publicist is held in Nicaragua.


September 2021 Calendar in Nicaragua

September 2021 Calendar in Nicaragua

In this opportunity we present all the ephemeris and special dates of the 2021 calendar for the month of September in Nicaragua. Find out what is being celebrated.

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What is celebrated in the month of August in Nicaragua: Calendar 2021

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