Why is the National Joy Day celebrated

Why is the National Joy Day celebrated

Every July 17, Nicaragua celebrates the Day of National Happiness ; a special date that is remembered with shouts, smiles and much happiness, because one day like this country came to life, literally. Do you want to know how the National Happiness Day was born and why is it celebrated ? Read on and find out.

Why is the National Joy Day celebrated?

The Day of National Joy has its origin on the night of July 17, 1979 , when the tyrant Anastasio Somoza Debayle fled from Nicaragua to North America, leaving behind a trail of destruction and death.

His flight and the surrender of the National Guard represent a new rebirth for Nicaragua , because that day this country stopped being a slave of an oppressive regime and began to be free. For all Nicaraguan citizens, on July 17, joy and hope for an ever better tomorrow was reborn.

During the government of the Somoza clan, Nicaragua was submerged in terrible moments where repression, persecution, censorship and violation of Human Rights were the order of the day.

In recent years, the people rose up in arms led by the Sandinista National Liberation Front which fought tooth and nail for the rights of all, and although in the last stage of this fight against the government, the National Guard unloaded everything his hatred against the eastern neighborhoods of Managua. However, the population bravely endured the persecution and finally managed to free itself from this stranger who fled in a plane along with the remains of his father and brother.

This day Nicaragua was free again , an event that is remembered on the Day of National Happiness.


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