Why is the Day of the Virgin of Cuapa celebrated

Why is the Day of the Virgin of Cuapa celebrated

Every year, on May 8 , Nicaragua celebrates the Day of the Virgin of Cuapa ; a special date for the Catholic faithful who celebrate one more anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Cuapa, Chontales more than 40 years ago.

Likewise, all the faithful take advantage of the Day of the Virgin of Cuapa to ask her intercession for health, peace, work and many other requests that are made with much fervor, prayer and faith.

Appearance of the Virgin of Cuapa

The appearance of the Virgin of Cuapa, occurred on May 8, 1980 in the town of Cuapa , Chontales department when Nicaragua was in a civil war. Bernardo Martínez was the person that the Virgin chose to transmit her message.

According to history, the apparitions of the Virgen de Cuapa were several and began on May 8, 1980 . That day, Bernardo decided to go fishing in the river, when he came back, he decided to lie down for a while in a tree to pray. At three in the afternoon, he saw lightning and without knowing where it came from, he walked six steps and saw another lightning bolt; It was then when he spotted the Virgin under the invocation of La Asunción where he asked Bernardo to tell all the people that they should pray the rosary every day, not only during the month of May.

The appearances continued to happen until October 13 when he was last seen. The apparitions were confirmed by the Catholic Church as a way to preserve the virgin's message.


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